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Emotional – Traumatic Energy Distortions (Inherited, Preconception, Prenatal), Allergy or Intolerance, Mental, Offensive Subliminal Programming, Old Anguish, Despair Anchors, Cording, Saboteurs (energy weapons)


Heavy Metals


Free Radicals


EM Spectrum                         




















Parasites Toxins Fungal

Bacterial Viral Mold





Connective Tissue




























              6 Body Areas of Imbalances:






   During the Session, I am going to use the EC Chart and/ The Body Code Mind Maps, weather I am working directly with You, with one of your Children, or with your pet.  The work is done by “proxy”, which is not in the same location or more than 6 ft away, by phone/ Internet. Via mm testing, I am going to ask your Subconscious mind about which issue we could work on first, what’s causing your discomfort, distress, or anxiousness, and then I further identify TEs or energy imbalances and clear them out one at a time. The advantage of working with Subconscious mind is - it knows everything and can reveal things that you are not aware of. I am not “guessing” for an answer. I have an “agreement” with your body to acquire “yes” or “no” response via Subconscious Mind through mm testing - as a biofeedback of impulses received and transformed into mm contractions.


   In normal circumstances, we feel emotions and process them immediately. The idea behind TEs is that – it is a ball of energy, about the size of the fist, that can differ by vibrational frequencies and cannot be seen on an x-ray. TEs can be lodged anywhere in your body, influencing yin-yang balance and the energy flow through chakras, beginning to cause physical discomfort and emotional distress by aggravating tissues, organs, glands, therefore, troubling health, compromising mindset, perception in life, therefore affecting your relationship, success at work, blocking creativity and ability to learn. TEs could cause you to feel “stuck”, or not “in the flow”, or it’s a “gut feeling” that something is “off”, influencing the body tissues.


   As per Dr. Nelson, the creator of this Energy Healing System, TEs could be “Inherited”, meaning “..received from parents at the very moment of conception, so you might think of it as being similar to the traits that you inherit from the DNA that you got from your parents and, if not released, could overpower the flow and quality of your life and life of your future generations. TEs could be created prior to conception - called “Preconception”. They could also be “Prenatal” and “Absorbed”, meaning “bad vibes” picked up from others during pregnancy (usually from mother) and during person’s lifetime. Moreover, TEs could also create “Heart Walls”. Some of you had an old relationship, where the “heart was broken” with further built of the HW made of TEs".


   Subconscious Mind – the premise is – it is the “supercomputer” and is about 90% of your intelligence. It archives all the memories, beliefs, ethics, morals, habits. It knows everything we ever experienced and seen, smelled and touched, red and heard. It also responsible for your “automatic system” – heart beating, breathing, digestion, etc. It’s a lot more powerful than conscious mind, which is our critical mind we think with – like, Why am I in such a discomfort? Well, your subconscious mind knows – Why! I communicate with it to find TEs and other energy imbalances and I clear them during the Emotion Code/ Body Code process. While scanning the EC Chart or questioning The Body Code Mind Maps, I perform mm testing and watch body’s “strong” or “weak” physical reaction to “true” or “false” statements (based on principles of bio-magnetic energy and applied kinesiology –  free muscle testing guide).


   Emotion Code Chart - developed by Dr. Nelson into 60 “negative emotions”. It’s divided into 2 columns - A and B and 6 rows. When I am doing my work, you can hear me say – “The trapped emotion is in column A or B, in odd or even row? That allows for me to find the emotion very rapidly.  Each TE is organized by an organ. For ex, Heart Organ has its own list of emotions. For “broken heart”, some of those TEs could “cover” your heart, creating a “HW”. Some people could say: “I always feel like abandonment…” That’s because you had passed brock-up relationship, where you were abandoned. That TE stayed “unprocessed” and “unreleased”, covering your heart. It could stop you from sending-receiving love, so you’re “filtering” everything through “abandonment”. After removing that TE, your heart is “different”, it does not have that vibration anymore. And the rule is - the “Low of Attraction” responds to that New vibration (people start flirting with you, start new relationship). As an analogy - like on a highway or streets, we see orange cones saying “Stop, don’t go there!”, blocking, detouring – these “orange cones” are stopping you! The question to you – “What is your “orange cone?” You don’t know what it is, BUT, we could find out. What’s the “block” that’s stopping you from getting what you want in health, in money, in relationship, in business and physical freedom?

The way for us to identify a TE – is by MM Testing.


  "Muscle Testing" - The idea behind mm testing – it is the “agreement” with our body to access the subconscious to say “Yes, it’s that one! Right there!”– and we aim for a solid answer while scanning the Emotion Code Chart. Our Subconscious mind lets us know when I “hit” the right emotion by “locked up” mm of my fingers. A few common issues that may interfere with acquiring correct responses during muscle testing are - Misaligned neck vertebrae (has to be addressed by a Licensed Therapist), Trapped emotions (surfacing), feeling Tired or Sick, and Lack of Water Intake.


  "Water Intake" – When we drink enough water, and our physical bodies are mostly made of water, everything functions well and normally. MM testing relies on body’s ability to generate electrical impulses to produce accurate answers. It is essential during the process of clearing for both - the client and, especially for the practitioner to be able to get strong responses. But, before I do this work with you, I need to ask your permission.


  "Permission" – when you come to the session via call, you’re giving me permission to work on you as your “proxy”. It’s a verbal or written agreement with the client to ask to tap into their energy field or their subconscious mind to ask “yes” or “no” questions. Can work on children and pets. Ex.: “Issues with relationship with food – it could be nothing to do with your ability to utilize a “normal” food. When you eat a meal, it brings up the conflict between your body’s own energy vibrations and the destructive vibrational frequencies of the TE/TEs that you carry around. Remember, TEs are the enemies to your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.  So, MM testing helps to identify an emotion, but it does not get reed of it. For that we need our Intention multiplied by the strength of a magnet.


  "Magnet" - is pure energy and much stronger than a negative emotion, and we are working with energy. During the session, the energy imbalances are brought “up to the surface” and, by swiping a magnet, or just my hand over the Governing Meridian on the client’s back midline, or as “proxy”, on myself to the tip of the nose with strong intention to “erase” or “cancel out” that "energetic distortion". That intention goes through all your energy systems and meridians. As an analogy - with a credit card magnetic strip - the strong energy of the magnet can destroy the information encoded into the strip. The clearing process with the magnet can be done via “Proxy”.


   “Proxy” – means to “stand for” or represent someone during the process of mm testing on their own body. The practitioner temporarily “becomes” the client being tested, and the work happens simultaneously on the client. It’s a form of remote or distance energy healing (more than 6ft away). Before we work with the client, we would like to know What Is The Severity of their issue on the scale 1-10.


   “Severity” – we would identify the severity of the issue at the beginning of the session on a scale 1 to 10 (10 means “sever”, 1 means “not so much”), and our goal  is to bring it down to a “0” or to as close as possible. So, I would ask your subconscious mind What’s the Severity of Your Discomfort from 1 to 10?  For example, the starting point could be 9 out of 10. Then, I do the healing session with checking the severity again at the end of the session. Depending on the issue and your own subconscious mind how much the severity should come down in one session, it usually decreases substantially. based on the level of further improvement and going through another session, additional reduction in the severity can still be continued for the next few days, as the conscious mind needs to be “caught up” with the subconscious mind to get the severity of the issue down to “0”. While there can be some temporary discomfort from "processing" after the session (such as high emotions or lethargy), we believe the result is worth it. Restoration and balance happen in layers. You can’t force it, and it’s not possible to provide any guarantees. Some people have what they consider a “miraculous” outcome the first time they utilize The Emotion Code/The Body Code. Others take several weeks or months before their main concern may be resolved. Sometimes the more serious the problem is, the longer it can take to get results. Be patient and feel confident in your own belief that the mind, body, and spirit are all connected. Each session may include (but is not limited to) the release of trapped emotions and structural imbalances, and recommendations to address nutritional deficiencies and toxicity. Often the work can be done very quickly. The good news for children, since they are younger, the list of things to release is shorter! With adults, it often takes many sessions to clear the core of a long-standing problems, or it may take just one session. It all depends on the topic and the layers built around it.


  "Processing" - "healing period" for 1 to 2 days (in severe and/or chronic cases - need more time) after an emotional/ energetic release. A person may be slightly more emotionally sensitive or experience emotional "ups" or "downs", could not sleep or need extra time for sleep, may have vivid dreams, may cry, feeling tired or be very relaxed, in rare situations experience nausea or headache or some kind of "negative symptoms".

   My work helps to provide the best conditions for the body to heal itself while helping people feeling more emotionally connected with their loved ones. As Dr. Bradly Nelson would say - “The human body has a powerful ability to recover under the right conditions”. “The creation of EC/BC System is based on his personal observations and experiences”. - Dr. Bradly Nelson

Nutritional Imbalances 


Ph Imbalance





Magnetic Field

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The Emotion Code:

- identifies and releases inherited, absorbed or created harmful energies of unprocessed emotions from negative past events, which can contribute to mental, emotional
or physical issues.


The Body Code:

 - Deals with 6 different main types of imbalances:
1. Emotional Imbalances- emotional, post-traumatic, allergy or intolerance, mental, offensive
2. Toxicity Imbalances- heavy metals, free radicals, EM spectrum, chemicals, microbial
3. Circuitry Imbalances- organs, glands, chakras, disconnections, meridians


4. Pathogens Imbalances- parasites, fungal, bacterial, viral, mold

5. Structural Imbalances- bones, nerves, muscles, connective tissue, organs and glands
6. Nutritional Imbalances- Ph imbalance, foods, herbs, nutrients, dehydration, magnetic field


By asking the body a few simple questions via muscle testing, we may be able to access information of what imbalances may be affecting your physical health - HEART-WALL, TRAPPED EMOTIONS AND OTHER ENERGY IMBALANCES and then release THAT with the magnet.

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